

Mapry Corporation Signs Joint Research Agreement with Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Geospatial information application platform service “mapry” useful for forest management and community activities
Mapry Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Tanba City, Hyogo Prefecture, Representative Director: Keiji Yamaguchi, hereinafter referred to as “Mapry” Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences (Location: 165 00 Praha-Suchdol, Czech Republic, Rector Petr Sklenička, hereinafter referred to as Czech University of Life Sciences Prague) and a joint research agreement for the following purposes.
(1) Joint development of software and hardware for 3D measurement for forests overseas
(2) Verification of accuracy of newly developed mobile LiDAR products
(3) Technical exchanges and international research activities

Implementation background
Since its establishment in 2019, Mapry has been using remote sensing technology mainly for
iPhones and iPads We have been working on the development of forest survey applications and peripherals, and have
cultivated programming techniques that are essential for smart forestry and surveying. On the other hand, the Czech Life University Prague is one of the universities that has produced many research results on rational forest management and sustainable utilization not only in Europe but also internationally.
The idea that the collaboration between the two institutions would enable the development of new and more valuable applications, hardware, and research tools led to the start of this collaboration.

Outline of the collaboration
The agreement will be used over the next five years to develop new software and verify the accuracy of new terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) hardware.

■Czech University Of Life Sciences Prague Faculty of Forestry and Wood About Sciences
The Czech Life Sciences University Prague is one of the public universities in Prague, Czech Republic, Europe, that conducts agricultural education and research. The Department of Forestry and Wood Science conducts basic and applied research activities in the branches of forestry, timber production, and wildlife management.

■About Mapry
Mapry is a service for all those involved in surveying, forestry, disaster prevention, agriculture and construction. We provide solutions that can easily acquire and analyze 3D data, which has been difficult to bear the cost of surveying equipment and operate and analyze the equipment.

■Company Profile
Company Name : Mapry Corporation
Location : 165 Tada, Kasuga Town, Tanba-shi, Hyogo Prefecture (Head Office)
Sanyo Rokkaku Building No. 503, 84 Yanagisui-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto (Kyoto Office)
Representative Director Keiji Yamaguchi
HP : https://mapry-service.sakura.ne.jp/wp
Inquiries about this matter: info@